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What Is Reiki?


Just over 100 years ago in Japan, Reiki was founded by a lay Buddhist monk called Mikao Usui. He recognised that energy flows through all living things, but if that energy is low or unbalanced, we’re more likely to get sick or feel stressed. If it’s high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


He also discovered that this energy can be manipulated to help enhance healing of all types: physical, emotional and mental – it can even help situations or circumstances that are causing unease. After Usui trained over 2000 students in Japan, Reiki gradually made its way from the East to Western societies, so practitioners can now be found across the globe.​​


Pronounced 'ray-key', Reiki is a simple, natural and safe healing technique that can be used for stress reduction and relaxation, which in turn promotes the body’s own natural healing ability.


The word ‘Reiki’ is actually made up of two Japanese words: Rei, which means ‘universal’; and Ki, which means ‘life force energy’. So when you ask for Reiki, it’s Universal Life Force Energy that you’re receiving from a practitioner.


Usually, a Reiki practitioner places their hands on the client’s body in order to channel the energy. However, it’s also widely accepted that Reiki is equally effectively ‘hands-off’, with the practitioner’s hands raised just above the client’s body. 


Reiki is gentle and therefore easily adapted to most medical conditions and all situations. It may be used safely by people of all ages, including pregnant mothers, new-born babies, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly.

Want to know more?

Young boy receiving Reiki on their back.
Adult female receiving Reiki on their head.

What does it feel like?

Simply Divine! Although everyone will experience Reiki in a way that it unique to them, many people report feeling a warm, glowing radiance gently flowing through them. Reiki treats the whole person – body, mind and spirit.

Working with the NHS

As a complimentary treatment, Reiki can be used alone, or in conjunction with orthodox medicine. In fact, it’s already available in some NHS hospitals and hospices, and even Parliament is debating its potential use in GP practices.

Cancer Research UK have an excellent page on their website explaining how Reiki may help cancer patients and their carers. Find out more

Why should I believe?

Why should I believe Reiki will work? Well you don't have to – but it still will.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it isn’t based on any belief or religion – so you really don’t have to believe it works, for it to work!


It is hoped that, as more research takes place, we’ll eventually be able to scientifically measure the energy emitted from a practitioner’s hands, with so-called energy medicine becoming the norm, rather than the exception.

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